Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I think its three in the morning...

This is my first post.
Its 3:15 in the morning.
I'm bored.
I can't sleep.
I'm looking up blog skins and editting my own...but my eyes hurt too bad to do finish right now.
I'll be using this blog to post all kinda silly stuff.
Musical suggestions, lyrics, stories of my life, all those other things.
Everyday I'll be leaving a little bit of lyrical something-something at the end of my post.
I just drank some diet coke that tasted like throw-up.
Hm, maybe it is really past my bed time.
The Rocket Summer
So much love
"to know right you need a mistake
hearts need a mind
like a clock needs the time
like white needs black
if you leave i hope you need to come back...
you've got so much love in you
i'm amazed that i'm talking to you
you look like the songs i've heard my whole life
they're coming true"

sweet dreams <3


template by suckmylolly.com flower brushes by gvalkyrie.deviantart.com